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Read %dRAWMFooter format mismatchraw_info.frame_size <= frame_size%d/%d%s: %dx%draw_rec_taskPlease record a movie first.raw_video_playback_taskELVLRecord a video clip first.#%dOFFnoneRAWItext: ; %dtake: INFOMovie recording stopped automagically aewb_enableaewblv_aelv_wbHack error at %x: expected %x, got %xalmost %s%d:%d%s%d.%02d:1%s1:%d.%02d-%dx%d (%s)%dx%d. Stretch by %s%d.%02dx to get %dx%d (%s) in post.frame_size % 4 == 0%02d:%02d, %d frames / %d expected %02d:%02d, %d frames, continuous OK %s: %d MB, %d.%d MB/s, %d%% idle , %dms idle %s%s: InitializingTotal rate: %d.%d MB/sEnable RAW video first.N/A%dx%d%d is not possible in current video mode (max %d).Recording...errStarting...Stopping..."Auto power off" is enabled in Canon menu. Video may stop.You are recording video in photo mode. Use expo override.ON, %dx%dCould not get %s. Max vertical resolution: %d.Raw detect errorbuffer size: %d framesMemory errorA:/M%02d-%02d%02d.MLV[Test #%03d] M: %d B: %d File create errorwriter_threadupdate_block%d.%d MB/s[Test #%03d] M: %d B: %d W: %5d MiB F: %4d (%s) Frames captured: %d Enter text%sraw_rec.txtmlv_block_queuemlv_writer_queuemlv_mgr_queueEOSM5D250D5D36DSoundMemory hackRecord 14-bit RAW video. Press SET to start.MovieRAWRAW VideoCard warming up...%s/warmup.rawIME Handler %s installed, but 'ime_base' missing.raw_video_enabledresolution_index_xaspect_ratio_indexmeasured_write_speedallow_frame_skipdolly_modepreview_modememory_hacksmall_hackswarm_upcard_spanningbuffer_fill_methodfast_card_buffersenable_tracingtest_modeCBR_VSYNCraw_rec_vsync_cbrCBR_KEYPRESSraw_rec_keypress_cbrCBR_SHOOT_TASKraw_rec_polling_cbrCBR_DISPLAY_FILTERraw_rec_update_previewDescription14-bit RAW videoLicenseGPLAuthora1exCreditsg3gg0 (lv_rec)raw_recPROP_ROLLING_PITCHING_LEVELRAW videoRecord 14-bit RAW video. Press LiveView to start.5:14:13:12.67:12.50:12.39:12.35:12.20:12:11.85:116:95:33:24:31:11:2raw.video.enabledraw.res.xraw.aspect.ratioraw.write.speedraw.skip.framesraw.dollyraw.previewraw.memory.hackraw.small.hacksraw.warm.upraw.skip.card_spanningraw.video.buffer_fill_methodraw.video.fast_card_buffersraw.video.tracingraw.video.test_modeResolutionAspect ratioPreviewAuto: ML chooses what's best for each video mode Canon: plain old LiveView. Framing is not always correct. ML Grayscale: looks ugly, but at least framing is correct. HaCKeD: try to squeeze a little speed by killing LiveView. Digital dollySmooth panning of the recording window (software dolly).Use arrow keys (joystick) to move the window.Frame skippingEnable if you don't mind skipping frames (for slow cards).Debug traceWrite an execution trace to memory card. Causes perfomance drop.You have to restart camera before setting takes effect.Test modeRecord repeatedly, changing buffering methods etcCard warm-upWrite a large file on the card at camera startup.Some cards seem to get a bit faster after this.Buffer fill methodMethod for filling buffers. Will affect write speed.CF-only buffersHow many of the largest buffers are for CF writing.Allocate memory with LiveView off. On 5D3 => 2x32M extra.Small hacksSlow down Canon GUI, disable auto exposure, white balance...Card spanningSpan video file over cards to use SD+CF write speedTag: TextFree text fieldTag: TakeAuto-Counting take numberPlayback (doesnt work)Play back the last raw video clip.6407047688649601152128013441472160017281856192020482240256028803584AutoCanonML GrayscaleHaCKeDAllow16 MB32 MB64 MB128 MB256 MB512 MB1 GBMLVIv2.0IDNTFailed to get properties.%X%08XRTCIEXPOWBALLENSMESSAGE RECEIVE ERROR!!FAILED. queued: %d failed: %d (requeued) & * . 2 9 @ G N U Y ` e i m q u @  2E$Z0k<vHT`lx -<PczZ9~ L  t@d $@ P@t ? JK I J| ? o  mHJ 5PJA~J@HcP8<@DHLQV[`ejoty~y @ L  L@ P@ $@ t@ HJ PJ J J < X Jj IGCC: (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) 4.7.3 20121207 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_7-branch revision 194305]GCC: (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) 4.7.3 20121207 (release) [ARM/embedded-4_7-branch revision 194305]A&aeabi5TE .symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.rodata.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.data.rel.config_vars.bss.comment.ARM.attributes@PS T%S`-2T#<2eDOXeK HYkU 4flJk0ltpm'mpp  (|+  t$ < 0R nt4p< @T40 t-|415dA6PUP8 gHhyhIp  I -IO4Wa,dH8" 'AOou$`I"H8")0?]h(L "R0 .@QhL4H8"'.CXiw`M,`I" &H8";LHUht~Lx.8FUm~H8"  $LD " 1 G T b e h@ u L" $   LD     P * ; I S i L |  K8"       N4   raw_rec_deinitraw_rec_filehandlerraw_video_playback_taskunhack_liveview_vsyncraw_video_update_block_taskraw_rec_update_previewraw_rec_keypress_cbrraw_video_rec_taskraw_playback_startraw_playback_updateraw_tag_take_updateraw_tag_str_updateraw_writer_taskraw_rec_polling_cbrresolution_updateraw_main_updateaspect_ratio_updateraw_rec_vsync_cbrraw_tag_str_startraw_rec_initstrcpyget_us_clock_valueshoot_mallocfps_get_current_x1000ui_lockraw_lv_redirect_edmaccanon_gui_disable_front_buffermlv_mgr_queueclrscr__module_config_raw_recraw_force_aspect_ratio_1to1mlv_fill_expodraw_line__module_prophandler_raw_rec_0x80030039edmac_copy_rectangle_startauto_power_off_timeGetNextMemoryChunksnprintfraw_lv_request__module_cbr_raw_recraw_rec_cbr_stoppingFIO_SeekFile__aeabi_faddshould_run_polling_actionNotifyBoxHidecanon_gui_front_buffer_disabledstreqraw_tag_str_donefont_smallraw_rec_cbr_save_bufferFIO_GetFileSizeime_base_startcallmemcpyshoot_freeget_current_shutter_reciprocal_x1000__aeabi_fcmpgtset_custom_movie_modelv2rawedmac_get_baseGetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunkbeep_times__module_strings_raw_recmallocroundf__aeabi_i2fprop_get_valueraw_lv_settings_still_validraw_set_dirtyGetSizeOfMemoryChunkmlv_fill_lensml_assert_handlerfont_mededmac_copy_rectangle_finishraw_update_paramsmsg_queue_create__module_prophandler_raw_rec_0x80030039_blockbm2lvraw_lv_releaseResumeLiveViewvideo_mode_resolutionmenu_add__aeabi_fsubNotifyBoxmlv_generate_guidosraw_set_preview_rectraw_rec_cbr_skip_frame__aeabi_idivredrawAcquireRecursiveLockReleaseRecursiveLockraw_preview_fastis_movie_modemlv_fill_idntbmp_draw_rectfileman_register_typegui_menu_shownFIO_WriteFilemodule_card_drivePauseLiveViewstrncmpraw_info__aeabi_f2izstrncpyFIO_CreateFileExbmp_lockraw_rec_cbr_startingmlv_set_type__aeabi_fdivcamera_model_shortshamem_readgui_statememcmptask_createtask_dispatch_hookis_native_movie_modeGetFirstChunkFromSuitebeep_customget_dcim_dirFIO_OpenLoadCalendarFromRTCmsg_queue_postmemsetmlv_set_timestamprecording__aeabi_uidivFIO_RemoveFileedmac_memcpy_res_unlockedmac_get_lengthlv_dispsizegui_stop_menuis_custom_movie_modefocus_box_get_raw_crop_offsetraw_rec_cbr_skip_buffervram_hdliveview_display_idlevram_lvmlv_prng_lfsrbmp_printf__aeabi_fcmpeqedmac_memcpy_res_lock__aeabi_fmulFIO_CloseFilelvmlv_block_queue_prop_get_value__module_prophandlers_raw_rec__aeabi_fcmpltcanon_gui_enable_front_buffermlv_init_fileheaderSetGUIRequestModeFIO_ReadFilebeepraw_preview_fast_exmlv_fill_wbalshoot_free_suite__aeabi_f2uizlens_info__module_info_raw_recown_prop_get_valueget_halfshutter_pressedime_base_registerstrlenvram_clear_lvshoot_malloc_suiteraw_set_geometry__aeabi_idivmodmsleepmlv_fill_rtcimsg_queue_receivefreemsg_queue_count $(! bTK`KlwxKq(pTXpd|b4*/,H|\hlp t!XbdbxbD I|      n Y    l p t   vH T v      I I( I4 ID P )\ Ph t      l,Ey$yPXy|: {@??v{Q{?? 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